Tag Archives: symptoms

First Trimester Wrap Up

My current fav. mommy blogger, Jen Renee did a nice post today on the idea of taking a moment to recognize the awesomeness of pregnancy, or as she puts it, “Just to make sure I’m taking the time to remember this experience. To internalize and process how incredibly cool it all is.”

I’ve been thinking lately that I need to document more about the oddest parts of pregnancy so far.  The little things.  Baby, you should know you’ve resulted in the following:

  • Last night I had to tell your daddy to wash the lotion off of his hands, because the smell was enough to make me want to cry or throw up.  Though technically unscented, I described it as the smell of some fatty remains that had been eaten by an animal and then vomited back up.
  • The other biggest smell trigger is  the smell of your future roller derby aunties.  You’ll understand what I mean later.  You’ll be growing up with that smell.
  • I think you can sort of hear me now, and maybe know when I’m poking at you.  Sometimes I “tickle” you, or tell you what we’re about to go do.  I figure you’re in on whatever I do, so you might as well know the plan, even if there’s a good chance it just involves a trip to the bathroom.
  • I’ve started to show and I kind of like it.  Sometimes I walk past a mirror and I’m surprised by how much belly is there for a 3 inch long teenie-weenie.  You’re small for a baby, but when you get here, you’ll still be small.
  • We told your dad’s parents about you last weekend.  They were so excited, they pushed your dad out of the way to get at me for a hug.  (Poor dad.) They are gonna LOVE you!
  • This weekend, we’re telling my dad about you.  I’m actually pretty nervous about this.  I’m never comfortable with seeing your grandpa cry.
  • I’ve only thrown up twice, but somethings are still odd to me.  Salty flavors and chocolate nauseate me terribly.  Caffeinated coffee also gives me terrible heart flutters, which is a bummer, because I’d like just a little of it now and again to help me get over how tired I am.
  • Right now, our name ideas are Stella (after your dad’s grandma) if you’re a girl, and if you’re a boy, you’ll take your dad’s name.  My hunch is that you’re a boy (dad agrees) but there are certainly days where I can imagine you’re a girl.  We’ll find out in another 2 months, fingers crossed.
  • I’ve started making things for your nursery–I’m planning a woodland theme.  I’m determined to make it mostly gender neutral. The idea came from a batch of forest animal embroidery patterns I got.

More to come, teenie-weenie.

Week 5: Heart to Heart

Today’s adventure wasn’t really so much an adventure, except with the heart-pounding part of an adventure.  I started having heart palpation type feelings last night, lasting into this evening.  Fortunately, the after hours Dr. told me this was all totally normal–to drink more water and rest.  I am grateful to her for giving me common sense advice without laughing at me.  I ate dinner, pounded some (more) water, wrote an e-mail to my new Italian pen-pal, Domencio, and now I feel much better.  The anxiety about what seemed to be an impending heart failure certainly wasn’t making my heart feel any better.  Just some reassuring words (and more water) was what I needed.

Note to self: What I’d previously thought was a lot of water is about to seem insignificant–I really need to push myself on this!

In other news, nothing too major.  I had some light spotting after some “quiet study time” with the mister-which, according to the internet, is normal, but may require that we do not “study” together for a little while.  Not sure how I’m going to break that news to him just yet.

We’ve decided how we’re going to tell the Fam on Christmas eve–we’ve decided to pick out a baby book for each grandparent (and the uncle-to-be) and write a note, asking them to read it to the baby when it comes in 2012.  They can all open them at the same time. and hopefully figure it out without too much confusion.  (If we get a sonogram to include- that might help clarify for the slow-to-catch on.)

I just bought my first maternity wear–a Maternity Starter Kit from Forever 21.  A.) I had no idea Forever 21 sold anything for non-junior types. B.) A maternity starter pack! Genius!  C.) $11 and free shipping?  What? Do they still think it’s cyber Monday?

Thanks to Hey Jen Renee, my co-hort in pregnancy and love of key-lime ice cream, for that heads up.

Note to teenie-weenie: Today we made a deal.  I told you that  I am totally ok with putting up with any degree of pain while sneezing, chest pain, heart burn…whatever you can throw at me.  Your job is just to come out ok eventually.  Deal? Deal.


Thoughts for Week 4

It’s a cruel joke that we’re made to simultaneously have a hypersensitive pregnancy nose and really bad gas.

Today, I had the most noticeable stretching sensation–it was perhaps the first feeling of something “growing”.  Apparently that’s called Round Ligament Pain.

I’ve also been enjoying catching up with the other mothers that are expecting or trying to conceive at Baby Center–knowing someone else is also having their world rocked is quite comforting.  They have message boards for other moms-to-be due in Aug ’12, as well as boards for first time moms due in Aug.  Want to read a bunch of posts that read as: “whaaaa??” ?  Go to the later.

I feel like I’m already waddling.  I can’t be waddling.

In the midst of all my bloating and waddling and peeing 11 times today, a dear friend told me I looked “skinny”.  Those words have never sounded so impossible, yet so welcome.